
3 Things You Didn’t Know about Collagen Induction Therapy

Collagen induction therapy

3 Things You Didn’t Know about Collagen Induction Therapy

As the name infers, this revolutionary technique is a great way to supplement your body’s natural production of collagen. It is especially useful for people over 35 years old, when the natural collagen production decreases significantly. This is also when we start noticing the first wrinkles and fine lines.

Briefly put, collagen induction therapy uses microneedling to create small (microscopic) punctures on your skin. While these are not visible, your body perceives them as something that needs to be “fixed” and immediately boosts its collagen production.

Let’s take a look at the three most surprising facts about this treatment:

  1. Collagen Induction Therapy Has Long-Term Results

You will start noticing improvements after your very first session is over which is remarkable in itself. However, even more astonishing is the fact that your skin’s appearance will continue to improve for the next 6-12 months!

That’s right! Your body’s collagen production is boosted for up to a year! Better yet, with each collagen induction therapy session you undergo, the collagen production is boosted yet again. In other words, this treatment can trick your body into producing the same amount of collagen as that of a 20-year old. Provided you choose the right clinic for your procedure, of course!

  1. Collagen Induction Therapy Requires a Minimal Downtime

Typically, it takes between 12 and 24 hours for the swelling to go away. Of course, the exact time depends on a series of individual factors, like skin sensitivity and lifestyle.

Collagen induction therapy is a minimally-invasive technique that produces results that are comparable to those of cosmetic surgeries. BUT this is without the pain and the lengthy downtime associated with the latter. In other words: if you schedule your treatment in the evening, by morning the swelling might be all gone. You will be left with nothing else but smooth, radiant, and rejuvenated skin.

  1. Collagen Induction Therapy Is Great for more than Rejuvenation Treatments

We’re only just beginning to discover the full potential of innovative techniques like collagen induction therapy. Aside from diminishing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, this treatment also works for acne (and other types of) scars and even sun spotting.

Basically, if you suffer from a condition that can be treated or improved with collagen and elastin fibers, then you are the perfect candidate for collagen induction therapy. Even more, if you simply want to look radiant for a special even or want to get rid of the dull aspect of your skin, this treatment is also right for you.

If you want to start your treatment sessions, don’t choose just any clinic. Choose VS MedSpa Laser Clinic, a doctor-run clinic that can offer you the best advice on which treatments are right for you!

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